Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Green Sunfish Care

HOUSING:  Housing a Green Sunfish is one of the easiest things I've ever done in the aquarium hobby.
I just put my 3-inch male in a 1/2 gallon betta bowl, it wasn't even heated, and he didn't seem unhappy about it at all, all he did was eat and poop and eat some more. From what I've seen they don't need an elaborate or large tank, it's really just up to your preferences.

HEATING:  No heating needed, but you can raise the temperature a bit if you're trying to breed your fish.

FILTER:  No filter needed, but it is recommended, sunfish are fairly messy.

FOOD:  Just about anything that will fit in its mouth will do. I mix up my offerings with goldfish pellets, tropical flakes, lean beef, chicken, baby mice, and any live or dead creature that doesn't bite or sting.
Try not to over-feed, these fish never stop eating.

COMPATIBILITY:  These fish are more vicious than most cichlid species, so always choose larger tank mates (or none at all), I kept a common pleco with my male and its fins were ripped to shreds. Try for a species tank.

WATER CHEMISTRY:  No special needs. Mine didn't show any differences in soft, hard, alkaline or acidic. It didn't matter.

 SEXING:  This is rather difficult. you really only know by comparison, and only during the breeding season.
Maybe these pictures will help.
This is a male.

And this is a female.

BREEDING: For this you need 2 females and 1 male just to be safe. You pretty much just put all three fish in a large tank (preferably a 30-gal), lower the temperature for 2 months and then raise it again and wait to see what happens. The male usually digs a nest, so you will need a substrate (sand and pebbles work best).

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